Món Việt is ginger, lemongrass, cinnamon, star anise, cloves and cardamom. It’s coriander, mint, lime, chilli and fresh herbs.

It’s fresh and fried. It’s Phở and Nem. It’s contrast and balance.

Món Việt is all the culture of Việtnam in Barcelona.

If you have any allergies or intolerances, please let us know.

Comida vietnamita barcelona

Your Việtnamese restaurant in Barcelona


*Home delivery time is 40-60 min.
To collect 15 min.

Restaurante vietnamita barcelona

If you live in

Món Việt

Congratulations! You can enjoy the best of Việtnam without leaving home.

Check if we get to your zip code on the store page.

Restaurante vietnamita barcelona

Plastic tables, dangling wires, carts of food and neon lights.
Travel to Vietnam and savor its gastronomy.


Món Việt is city, traffic, horn, cables, ordered chaos. Taking a Phở with the buzz of a motorcycle that passes by.
Dare to cross a street populated with cars, motorcycles and bikes.
Món Việt restaurant is bicycles, green tea, banana leaves, bamboo baskets filled with fruit, bright colors.
Observe the inexorable Vietnamese drip coffee. Talk to a salesman in the middle of a street market concern.
Món Việt is the việtnamese world in Barcelona.

Món Việt

Do you want to learn some Vietnamese?